There's something infantilizing about feeling this tired, and something reminiscent of pregnancy to feeling this smell-sensitive and nauseated. It seems I either spoke too soon or posted too late about the duration of the side effects - they're sticking around. The fatigue held lightly to my schedule in between the last treatments, but its grip is intensified this time around. Sunday I managed to rouse myself for a trip to the grocery store, returned to wash and chop fruits and vegetables, then made some muffins. All told, three hours of doing simple activities and it sent me graciously to the sofa for a two hour nap. I don't like sleeping so much. I have the sense of not being able to keep up and I suspect I felt the same way as a child struggling to stay up as late as the grown-ups. I am also reminded of my father, who spent family visits snoring in the living room, who slept through our plans over and over, who seemed to sleep through much of life in the first two-thirds of my life. I realize this is a temporary state of affairs and that I haven't slipped into a anti-depressant-addled free for all of unconsciousness, that this is a need my body has right now. But it feels so strange, as if my body is demanding that I drop out of my social life. And it's lonely, being tired like this.
I also feel a little spacey which is why this post is ending abruptly. It felt like there was something i wanted to say when I started writing...
I hear you on the tired all the time. If I was there I'd come over and we could just take a nap together. That way you're resting AND being social!