Friday, December 6, 2013

sweet relief

This thing I've been waiting for for over a year finally happened. It happened and I didn't even notice, but I suppose that's exactly how monumental events of this variety ought to happen.
I went the entire day--from the time I got up and get dressed, through my work day of moving around and crouching and huddling with students over their writing, of putting on taking off my jacket, until I got home and had made dinner--without thinking about my breasts. At no point did I have to try to discretely adjust my prosthesis, pull my scarf lower, my sweater tighter, or my collar higher to hide the awkward, abrupt protrusion that housed the hard, bulbous tissue expander. When I used the bathroom I didn't bother looking at my chest to see if the prosthesis was lopsided or if my bra was fitted weirdly over the expander (where I lack sensation). No stretch was interrupted with the genuine fear that I'd disordered my cumbersome, temporary breasts. The expander didn't push into my bicep, nudging uncomfortably to remind me of its presence.
I just got up and went to work and did regular people things, and thought about regular people things, without being distracted by feeling like a very irregular person. I haven't done that in a very long time.

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